Welcome to the Harada Method


The next Harada Method certification workshop will be held the week of December 8th at the Portland, Oregon Waterfront Marriott Hotel.

The Harada Course was definitely the most valuable thing I have ever attended.

The Method ties Deming, Lean and Coaching together into a powerful success methodology – that I am convinced of! Such a great pleasure to have come.  Enjoyed every single moment.  Had several moments of true enlightenment.  Worth every single $.  You are a great enrichment to the world.  “ – Kai Raedisch, Senior Consultant with Vollmer & Scheffczyk in Hannover, Germany

“Thank you for the gift of Harada.  What I received this week has been so much more than a method of accomplishing goals.  I have received a way to change my life, the lives of those around me and the world.  You have demonstrated so gracefully how to learn something new and change immediately.  You helped me challenge my own beliefs.  Most of all you showed me unconditional love.  What a gift! This is the core of the Harada Method, the ability to truly see others greater than they see themselves.  I have the deepest respect for you.  I want to thank you for bringing the Harada Method to the English speaking world and to me. It is changing my life dramatically for the better.” Jimmy Burds, CEO, Colographic Inc., Commerce City, CO

“It is a great method for top managers who want to be a coach, leading leaders.  The workshop was inspirational to change my life now, in full.”  –  Artur Woźniak, CEO, AB Klar Glass, Poland

“This workshop is wonderful.  The week was filled with humor, challenges, networking, teaching and learning.  It exceeded my expectations.  The Harada Method and this workshop is what healthcare needs in order to continue to develop and sustain the “Triple Aim”: Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction); Improving the health of populations; and Reducing the per capita cost of health care. Thank you for this gift.” –       Paige Perry, Practice Manager, Internal Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University.

“This was one of the best weeks of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it.” Ken Sontag, Chairman, Norscan Instruments Ltd. – Winnipeg, Canada“I have attended many leadership development programs in my 30 plus year career.  This one is truly transformational at a personal and professional level.  This program delivered the expected and the most wonderful unexpected. Norman you are the “Johnny Appleseed” of Harada.  What you have planted in me is powerful.”  Eric Diel, consultant, JP Morgan Chase

Takashi Harada was a track and field coach in one of the most distressed school districts in Japan, he developed his method to motivate and change the lives of his student athletes.  In three years, the school went from the worst out of 380 schools to the best and has stayed being the best for the last 12 years in a row. And his students won 13 gold medals – they were the best, not just in Osaka, but the best in all of Japan.   Harada in 2002 moved on to introduce his method to the corporate world throughout Japan. The success achieved, by both the children and employees at all levels within hundreds of organizations, has been outstanding; over 60,000 people have been trained. Now you have the opportunity to learn for yourself the proven step-by-step process for setting and achieving your own goals, guiding your employees to reach their goals, how to be an effective coach and how you can work together to reach the overall goals of your company.

Once more Norman Bodek has discovered a pearl and is sharing the brightness and beauty of it with the rest of the world. The Harada method is life changing. It is the most powerful personal development tool with a proven success record. During this workshop Norman has shown to us that it is a cultural neutral method that can be applied by anybody all over the world. It took the team some time to understand that from day one in the workshop Norman was coaching and not teaching.With invaluable patience Norman guided us until we all crossed the finish line.  We all understood that following the Harada method requires discipline, motivation but most of all persistence. Fortunately Harada has developed a set of tools to help us in this journey.Thank you Norman for a great workshop.Jarek Czerwice, Managing Director of COBEP – Belgium

 “The Harada Method has helped me build the behaviors and routines I needed to be successful in achieving both my work and life goals. I now reflect on my actions and assess their impact against my goals on a daily basis. This intentional reflection has helped me to improve and has created a level of personal momentum and synergy between my life and my work that I have never experienced.” – Lori Eberhardt, Performance Improvement Advisor, Talisman Energy 

“The Harada Method Workshop with Norman Bodek was an enriching experience for me.  Norman’s approach to teaching the method and his amazing experience provided great value to me.  The Harada Method provides the means for anyone to establish and reach their goals through a systematic approach that everyone can follow.  This method allows the individual to take responsibility for defining their own plan in achieving self-reliance which will ultimately lead to the accomplishment of higher levels of personal and professional performance.” Trace P. Tandy, Vice President of Manufacturing Milbank Manufacturing“Thanks for having me.  I found the workshop worthwhile and inspirational.  I can see why Harada is considered the best “day to day management”.  Though I struggled over the week I don’t know how I’ve managed to organize myself to date without a comprehensive approach as this. –Peter Bodi, President, Accurate Machine & Tool Ltd.“Norm is great. He has lots of passion and knowledge and the willingness to share it. I would recommend you attend his sessions if possible. Will be a life changing experience.” – Fahad Khan, manager, Suncor